Who should I contact if I am interested in NBI programs? -+
Jamie Freymuth Thomson, Director Program Services
Who does NBI serve?-+
NBI serves adults with various types of disabilities.
What types of programs does NBI provide to adults with disabilities? -+
NBI offers the following services:
Private Rehabilitation
Group Supported Employment
Supported Individual Placement
Licensed Site-based Activity Center
Community Day Program
How old do I have to be to participate in NBI’s programs?-+
NBI serves adults with disabilities that are 18 years or older.
How do I apply for services? -+
Individuals are referred to North Bay Industries by the various Regional Centers, Department of Rehabilitation, Veterans Administration and Private Rehabilitation Clinics. For more information or if you are unsure about if you are eligible, please contact our Contracting Support Department.
Is there a fee for services? -+
No. NBI does not charge individuals a fee for services. Eligible individuals are mostly funded by the referral agency. Funding varies based on program.
Where are the services offered?-+
NBI offers services in Sonoma, Marin, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and Monterey Counties.
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